美国Activa公司出品的tDCS产品因其方便、便宜、易操作的特点被新墨西哥大学Vince Clark教授(tDCS科研奠基人之一,neuroimage编委)选作指定的研究工具。
纽扣电极 碳纤维电极 口袋电极 针状电极导线 盐水海绵电极
1. Baker JM, Rorden C, Fridriksson J. Usingtranscranial
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2. BenningerDH, Lomarev M, Lopez G, Pal N, Luckenbaugh DA,
Hallett M. Transcranial directcurrent stimulation for the treatment of
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3. BenningerDH, Lomarev M, Lopez G, Wassermann EM, Li X,
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4. BorckardtJJ, Bikson M, Frohman H, Reeves ST, Datta A, Bansal
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5. BradnamLV, Stinear CM, Barber PA, Byblow WD. Contralesional
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8. CelnikP, Paik N-J, Vandermeeren Y, Dimyan M, Cohen LG.
Effects of combined peripheralnerve stimulation and brain polarization
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9. CerrutiC, Schlaug G. Anodal transcranial direct current
stimulation of the prefrontalcortex enhances complex verbal associative
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10. Clark VP,Coffman BA, Mayer AR, Weisend MP, Lane TD, Calhoun VD,
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11. Clarke PJ,Browning M, Hammond G, Notebaert L, MacLeod C. The
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12. Galea JM,Vazquez A, Pasricha N, de Xivry J-JO, Celnik P.
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14. Halko M,Datta A, Plow E, Scaturro J, Bikson M, Merabet LB.
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15. Hamner J,Villamar MF, Fregni F, Taylor JA. Transcranial direct
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16. Hummel F,Celnik P, Giraux P, Floel A, Wu W-H, Gerloff C, et al.
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18. Hummel FC,Heise K, Celnik P, Floel A, Gerloff C, Cohen LG.
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20. Jayaram G,Tang B, Pallegadda R, Vasudevan EV, Celnik P, Bastian
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22. Kwon YH,Kang KW, Son SM, Lee NK. Is effect of transcranial
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23. LindenbergR, Renga V, Zhu L, Nair D, Schlaug G. Bihemispheric
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26. McCambridgeAB, Bradnam LV, Stinear CM, Byblow WD. Cathodal
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28. RassovskyY, Dunn W, Wynn J, Wu AD, Iacoboni M, Hellemann G, et
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31. RushmoreR, DeSimone C, Valero‐Cabré A. Multiple sessions of
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32. SalimpourY, Shadmehr R. Motor costs and the coordination of the two arms. The Journal of Neuroscience. 2014;34(5):1806-18.
33. ShahbabaieA, Golesorkhi M, Zamanian B, Ebrahimpoor M, Keshvari
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34. SoekadarSR, Witkowski M, Birbaumer N, Cohen LG. Enhancing
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35. Vines BW,Cerruti C, Schlaug G. Dual-hemisphere tDCS facilitates
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36. Yoon EJ,Kim YK, Kim H-R, Kim SE, Lee Y, Shin HI. Transcranial
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37. You DS,Kim D-Y, Chun MH, Jung SE, Park SJ. Cathodal
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